Upgraded to v2.7.2

Free Radical is now on Mastodon v2.7.2.

Upgraded to v2.7.0

Free Radical is now on Mastodon v2.7.0.

Upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

Free Radical is now upgraded from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04.1. That involved a PostgreSQL upgrade. Sorry about the few minutes of downtime!

On donations

I’m neither set up, nor willing, to receive donations. There are many fine instances that depend on financial contributions, but this is not one. If you’d like to support Free Radical, please: Donate to another instance Use something in a way its creators never intended Help a friend install something cool Tell us what you’re listening to (mark it with the #nowplaying tag) Buy coffee for a stranger Slip $5 to a hungry person These make the world nicer and more fun.

Upgraded to v2.6.5

Free Radical is now on Mastodon v2.6.5.

Upgraded to v2.6.2

Free Radical is now on Mastodon v2.6.2.

Upgraded to v2.6.1

Free Radical is now on Mastodon v2.6.1. I’ve also tweaked the behind-the-scenes config a little bit. If you run into anything unexpected, please let me know what you’re seeing, what platform you’re on, and what browser/client you’re using. Thanks!

Upgraded to v2.5.1

Free Radical is now on Mastodon v2.5.1.

Upgraded to v2.5.0

Free Radical is now on Mastodon v2.5.0.

Upgraded to v2.4.5

Free Radical is now on Mastodon v2.4.5.